NCNW Expresses Concern for Gulf Coast Residents

NCNW is extremely concerned for the safety and health of all residents of Texas and Louisiana who are affected by storm Harvey. It appears that the worst may be yet to come as swollen rivers and streams are inadequate to contain the epic amount of rain that has fallen and is predicted. Over the week-end and earlier today, NCNW has been checking with NCNW members to offer prayer, concern and connection during this difficult time.
NCNW has at five sections (chapters) in Houston and Beaumont. We spoke to several persons who are still in their homes, still have electrical power, but who are increasingly concerned and afraid of impending rising water levels. Earlier today, via email, we received this message from Ms. Regina Dixon, our Houston Metropolitan Area section President,
“After speaking with many of you for the past few days, all was well with each of you at that time. Since then, the weather conditions in Houston and surrounding areas continue to change moment by moment. This is another welfare check on each of you. If you are in need of anything, please let me know, immediately. I will pass on the information to the National Office and we will do whatever we can do for one another. I look forward to hearing from each of you. Be blessed and remain safe.”
We urge officials to do everything possible now and in the days ahead to alleviate the suffering that seems inevitable
Ingrid Saunders Jones National Chair