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Executive Committee

Arnetta Mack, President

Arnetta Mack is the President of the National Council of Negro Women, View Park Section. In this capacity, she is responsible for oversight of the Section and is the liaison between National Headquarters Office & the Section. She ensures policies, regulations & procedures are followed; presides at all meetings of membership and executive committee; appoints non-elected officers and committee chairpersons and serves as official representative of the Section. Professionally, Arnetta has been a Visual Communications & Community Engagement Professional for the past 25 years, working with hundreds of non-profits, small businesses, political campaigns and churches to help guide their messaging, brand, and outreach strategies through her company, Mack Enterprises Unlimited. She is the Program Director for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Southern California and previously served as the Community Engagement Coordinator for Neighborhood Housing Services of L.A. County, Director of Social Services for LifeSTEPS, and coordinator of the Urban Issues Breakfast Forum, a popular public affairs forum that discusses critical issues impacting urban communities & hosting the nation’s top newsmakers. She belongs to several community organizations including the Los Angeles African American Women’s Public Policy Institute, L.A. South Chamber of Commerce and is a former Commissioner for the City of Los Angeles, to name a few. Arnetta has a bachelor’s degree in Social Ecology from the University of California Irvine, and also maintains her Vocational Nursing license which she earned through the L.A. Unified School District upon graduating from high school. She has two successful adult children, and a brand new daughter-in-law.  

Stephanie Haynes, 1st Vice President

Assumes the responsibility of the President in her absence; develops and implements section programs and activities


Carolynn Martin, 2nd Vice President  
Oversees membership recruitment; retention and reclaim activities; works with the National Membership Services Office and the membership fulfillment agency to ensure that membership enrollment forms and payments are promptly transmitted; reconciles the quarterly section membership roster printout and sends changes and revisions to the membership fulfillment agency; notifies NCNW National Member Services of changes of address transfers or death

Crystal Alexander, Recording/Correspondence Secretary
Maintains accurate minutes of the proceedings of all section meetings in a permanent record; maintains the current official records and documents of the Section; provides the seal and signature on official documents

Imelda Sanders, Treasurer


Carolynn McGruder, Financial Secretary


Crystal Alexander, Acting Secretary


Fannie Robinson, Parliamentarian


Gail White-Biggers, Chaplain

Sets up books to record the cash receipts and disbursements; receives and properly receipts all funds received by the section; maintains financial records; prepares monthly reports; assist in preparing the end of the fiscal year IRS Annual Section Reporting to be submitted when requested by the National Headquarters Office; – Treasurer Receives monthly bank statements and reconciles same; deposits section funds in the bank immediately upon receipt from the financial secretary; issues checks for payment upon proper documentation and approval ; co-signs with section president all checks issued by the section; participate in providing documents for internal or external audits; complies with federal and state reporting requirements

Janet Taylor, Parliamentarian
Ensures that section business is conducted according to the bylaws of the national organization; uses Robert's Rules of Order as the authority in the conduct of meetings and in matters not covered by section bylaws

Lisa Weston, Chaplain
Draws upon spiritual resources to enhance creative relationships and meaning in the work of NCNW

Carolynn Martin, Historian 

Our historian is the primary organizer, overseer and maintainer of the official history of the section. To put the section members experience through the years in context and allow future section members to understand past triumphs, tragedies, people and culture of the section over time. To connect the past and present through maintaining bonds across generations.


Chrishae Bass, Administrative Assistant


Cornesia Wilson, Social Media


Carmen Taylor-Jones, Public Relations

3720 West 54th Street

Los Angeles, CA 90043

TEL 310.866.2914


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